Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Lost in CSS Translation

CSS is THE coolest band ever, and this proves it. Obviously a lot of their stuff is in portuguese, and obviously I don't know how to speak portuguese, so my friend Chelsea and I decided to put their lyrics into an online translator to see what they've really been saying. Watch this magic...

Here's the CSS song "Bezzi" in portugeuse

Ele é incrível
Ele é italiano
Ele é japonês
Eu já virei freguês

Bezzi, eu já peguei o bezzi
Bezzi, eu já peguei o bezzi
Bezzi, eu já peguei o bezzi
De frente, de lado, de costas.
Bezzi, eu já peguei você
A mãe é budista
O pai come carne frita
De manhã ele desperta
Com uma nuvem negra em cima

Bezzi, eu já peguei o bezzi
Bezzi, eu já peguei o bezzi
De frente, de lado, de costas
Bezzi, eu já peguei você

Não mexe no cabelo dele,
Não mexe pede o conhaque dele,
Não mexe no armário dele,
Não pede os discos dele,

Seu cabelo é tão bonito,
Sua franja é tão legal,
Eu adoro a sua camisa
Você é o maioral!

And here it is when put into

He is incredible.
He is Italian.
He is Japanese.
I already will come client

Bezzi, I already catch the bezzi
Bezzi, I already catch the bezzi
Bezzi, I already catch the bezzi
Of front,of side, of back.
Bezzi, I already catch you

The mother is a Buddhist
THE father eats meat fries
Of morning he awakes
With a black cloud in top

Bezzi, I already catch the bezzi
Bezzi, I already catch the bezzi
Of front, of side, of back
Bezzi, I alreadycatch you

Does not it stir in the hair of him,
does Not stir asks the cognac of him,
does Not stir in the cupboard ofhim,
does Not ask the disks of him,

His hair is so pretty, Its fringe is so lawful, I worship to its shirt You are the boss!

<3333 Geniuses of songwriting
Potential bezzis



littlej said...

"THE father eats meat fries"
= besssst part.

the photo is SPECTACULAR. all my bffz in one place <3

Joshua said...

Right?! Kiki wearing that pearl necklace is sooo appropriate! I mean...hahaha
I named most of them

go here, it's too much<3

Vinícius said...

That's right!

Greetings from Brazil!

Vini Godoy.